Monday, 14 September 2009


Listen up superheroes!

We hope you're living life to the full!

This week we're learning about REVOLUTION!

Revolution means a total change of life and we can change our lives from something rubbish to something great when we put our faith in God and realise how amazing He is!

We watched Chicken run on Saturday! In Chicken Run the chickens have a REVOLUTION! They change their lives and escape the fences that stop them living great lives!

We have things that stop us living great lives too and REVOLUTION is the way to change them...check out the funsheet to find out more!

We're having a great time on Saturday mornings so if you've not been along yet then pop in and check it out!

For those of you who are already in your groups, remember to print off the funsheet and bring it in with some coins for Robinah and you'll win 1000 points for your team!

Have a great week and a new REVOLUTION!

See you soon!

Danny and the LIFEZONE TEAM!

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