Good day to you all, Super heroes and your supergrown ups!
We love Superheroes here at LIFEZONE, better than that, we believe that with God's Holy Spirit in us we can BE superheroes who bless the world everyday and help people live great lives!
We continued our superhero training on 'The Armour of God' with our new LIFEZONE WEAPON: HOLY SPIRIT PHONE!
When Peter Parker's SPIDERSENSES ring he jumps into action as SPIDERMAN!
When Bruce Wayne's BATPHONE rings he saves the day as BATMAN!
When God wants to get a message to us, he doesn't use email or text or letters...
He uses His HOLY SPIRIT!
HOLY SPIRIT is the part of us that lives inside of us and shows us which decisions to make!
You know when you get that feeling that you shouldn't do something, or maybe the feeling that you should be doing something? WELL...That's your Holy Spirit phone ringing...will you answer it and follow where it takes you like a SUPERHERO or just hang up?
(By the way, I'd answer it if I were you...God's got great plans for you!!)
Here's the Funsheet for this week...Remember to print it off and bring it in to win 500 points for your team on Saturday!
We're gonna have an amazing time in LIFEZONE this week and learn how to have great friendships so DON'T MISS OUT!!

See you all soon!
Danny and the LIFEZONE TEAM!
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